Never stop, never conform until what is good becomes even better, and what’s better becomes excellent.
After finish Ruby on Rails projects at Microverse, I had to work on the final Ruby on Rails project. It was a budget transaction web app 👀(repo),...
This week I just finished a very cool project (if you feel 👀). It's a mobile web app to check your daily music stats, all artists and tracks it's...
This week I submitted the React calculator milestone at @microverse. You might already know for milestones we have to use git flow (master, develop...
At first, the JavaScript projects with Webpack ran well. Then I realized that our project should be able to run on an outdated browser, so I chose...
I've decided to start with my first blog, following the advice from great people that I find out (not met in person) on Twitter like @RandallKanna,...